Daleks: Post-Extermination

(Possible spoilers, if you’re REALLY behind, have just started watching, or are interested in watching Classic Who) Episodes 12 and 13 of Series 4 of the reboot shows mark the return of Davros and his Dalek creations.

On the planet Skaro, two species were at war for control of the planet. The Kaleds and the Thals were pitched in a millennium long struggle. The Kaleds lived under an oppressive totalitarian military regime. Not dissimilar to Nazis with identical jingoistic and racially motivated intent. The Kaled and Thal struggle also resembles the predicted culmination of the Cold War, where forces of  Capitalism and Communism would struggle for World domination. A Kaled scientist, Davros, created the ultimate weapon. He manipulated the radioactive fallout affected Kaleds to create a cyborg warrior class known as the Daleks, see what he did there. His creations were even more bent on racial purity and world conquering than their creator. They eventually usurped the Kaleds and later Davros himself and created several Civil Wars between Davros’ forces, the Imperials, and the Renegades and then later the Time War, with the Time Lords. Both factions sought Universal domination and the extermination of all other inferior species. Daleks also see other mutated or diluted Daleks as inferior and have been known to kill their inferiors on numerous occasions.

Now just a bit more  background. In episodes 12 and 13, the Daleks, with the aid of Davros and Dalek Caan, have assembled a Reality Bomb in order to destroy all matter in the universe, which will be relayed via the Medusa Cascade across all other parallel universes and dimensions and the Void. Thus killing all other organisms in all of existence. Ok. Now what? Of course the Doctor and friends will stop them, but what if they didn’t? What if Davros succeeded in destroying the whole of reality, leaving only the Imperial Dalek fleet? What would they do? Rebuild? They are infertile. This sect of Imperials is  created out of Davros’ own cells ripped from his own chest. They are obsessed with the extermination of all other species, but unlike the Nazis they have no endgame. The Nazi’s would unite all Germanic and Scandinavian civilisations. Then they would kill the Slavs, the Jews, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the gays, and probably everybody else if they won the war, after putting them into slavery first. They would achieve Lebensraum, or living space, they would spread out conquer the world betray their allies eventually. Creating a unified, totalitarian, batshit insane world government. It’s sick and disturbing, but you can rationalise it. It might make you a bit sick inside, but you can rationalise it. Why destroy the Universe? You have no resources. Maybe they have the 27 planets, that are acting as the bomb’s conduit across the Medusa Cascade. They haven’t reached a post scarcity economy, I don’t think so anyway. So they have a finite amount of resources. Can they go on indefinitely or will they slowly die out. Their life support is a mystery and they will be left with only 27 planets for millions, if not billions of Daleks and Davros. What kind of life is that? I know they’re Daleks. Their quality of life is pretty shit and they’re programmed to accept that. They don’t get depressed, but they don’t get happy either. They have some sense of pride, but how long will that last. All of reality destroyed, except for  loads of spaceships and maybe a few planets. They’d get bored with nothing to destroy. Davros is human. Well, Kaled anyway and sort of… He’s on a spaceship full of Daleks that think they are vastly superior to him and he only has a demented Dalek Caan for any real company. What could they do?

So what’s their endgame? What’s the point? Would they found New Skaro? Would they revert back into their humanoid forms? Would they fragement into different factions and go back to Civil War, but what would they fight over?  It’s just a pile of cosmic dirt and scrap metal. What do you think?  I’d really appreciate your thoughts. Thanks for your patronage and if I got something wrong please correct me, so I can edit this and look less like an idiot.

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