Beat Poetry and Harshly Reprimand Soliloquies

Actually, this is just 21st Century Beat Poetry, but titles for poems are really bloody difficult. 

I Double Think and in a blink the workers and proles are on the Brink.

History is, but never was.

Common truths are turned to lies.

Lies in turn become truths.

The mindless rotations, the falsifications of currency value inflations, Through such metronomic instruments the Titans of Industry keep the beat, through actions indiscreet and, on more than one occasion, the actions of a cheat with the people suffering from their constant status of socioeconomic defeat.

The reeking of the putrid petrifications of personal pestilence remain properly pervasive prescribed pro bono publico. So examplified by the cult of ego behind celebrity veneration. Our thoughts thought of understanding, while our actions were of the sort of arrogant ignorance that so defines our, and each successive, generation.