The Winepress

You can hate the younger generation for having more time than you, you can hate the older generation for doing more than you, you can hate your generation for squandering their talents, and you can hate yourself for wasting your time. You can hate the young for not appreciating the things they have, you can hate the old for wasting what they had for the future of their kind. You can hate the rich for keeping the things the way they are or you can hate the poor for being divided and accepting the lot in life they have been given or for not getting up and working their way out of poverty like the good ole’ days.

The problem is not any one individual group however. The problem would be easier if it was. As things have progressed, the tangled state of who controls whom has grown from simple feudalism concept to a highly convoluted, multi-faceted chain of being. The average guy or girl. Wakes up each morning, awoken by their phone’s alarm clock a phone which is mass produced and houses every possible 21st century necessity that could arise, listening to music, probably owned by a corporation that controls the writing, production, and distribution destroying any fabric of artistic integrity, they brush their teeth, with water from a local source, that’s being bottled and sold just on the other side of the pipes for an exorbitant profit, they put on their mass produced clothing, made in China or Bangladesh and if anything should rip or permanently stain the cloth they would probably throw it out and buy another because it’s not worth the effort to fix it and just buy a new article creating an ever voracious consumer that cannot be fed with the greatest extent of wage enslaved factory workers, they drive to work in a cars, that are far too complicated for the average person to understand, which runs on a petroleum product that is so expensive wars and alliances are built around it, and on top of this they probably drive alone in a car that can hold four grown adults comfortably for no reason other than they can, they then arrive at a workplace where they probably have a minimal say on how things are done and watch the fruits of their labour create significant wealth for someone they have never met while the waste away in working class squalor, at lunch they eat food that comes from a factory farm filled genetically modified, pesticide ridden plants and animals that destroy the environment and produce food that at the end of the day is probably safe for production, but forced millions of farmers out of work and off their lands, then after work they go home watch television filled with lies, misconceptions, or distractions designed for the specific goal of attracting viewers to view advertisements for things they do not need or want, then they may check social media to become engrossed in the lives of those around them on a scale of never before seen uselessness, all while horrible injustices and corrupt systems are simply accepted as the way things are. The few who notice are rail-roaded from telling people facts as the masses refuse to accept changes, as they are worried about how they look, how they are perceived, how much money they make, how other people making money is making money that they aren’t making, while blaming foreigners or non-existent fifth columnist because the billionaire media conglomerate’s decided violence and sensationalism get views so they get paid more by their advertisers. The education systems make workers and not thinkers, spreading scientifically ignorant people who refuse to vaccinate their children or believe in global warming. And at the end of the day this drives people to smash keys on their keyboards fanatically writing about injustice on their blog they don’t pay to operate because they keep all of the ad revenue on his or her own work.

There is no longer a corrupt king, twirling his majestically evil beard as a toady noble insists on raising taxes on the poor to pay for their new Turkish bath house moved brick by brick from Anatolia, that we can rally together and overthrow. There are hundreds of powerful politicians, bankers, and CEOs that ban together to exert control over the lives of as many people as possible. We live in a time where freedom and independence are seen as ideals, but how free is a society that forces conformity or how independent can one be when the consumerist machine forces the consumption of everything that generates billions if not trillions of pounds, dollars, or euros each year on the necessities of food, housing, power, and water alone. There is no excuse in the age of information for ignorance of any kind. The whole of human knowledge is at our finger tips and yet we waste hours on leisure, including clicking cookies, watching fake people kill fake zombies, or reading about the latest trick that will give you the body you want this summer. There’s no excuse, we’re all guilty of it nut there is nothing we can say to defend ourselves. When is it we can say we have changed the world for the better. Rarely at best, unless you are one of the few champions of civic virtue that we have left. Extending a helping hand to a person in need is a great start or even just the hand of friendship to a stranger in a land where politeness runs parallel to urban anonymity. We have to begin to ban together at some level, relate more to people than possessions. At the end of the day, we are the sum of the contribution we make to the world and that is how the effects of our lives will be felt long after we are forgotten. It’s all we have. There is only so much one voice can say on their digital soap box, but there needs to be a change in how we view the world or there might not be too much left to view of it.